Friday, December 11, 2009

Amazon Offering Free Movie Stream With Disc Purchase

Amazon is trying to put another nail in the coffin of brick and mortar outlets like Best Buy by offering some of its DVD and Blu-ray discs with a free Amazon Video On Demand copy of the film. The Disc+ On Demand program only covers 300 of Amazon's stable of over 300,000 DVDs, but it does include hits like 'Ghostbusters,' 'Ken Burns: National Parks,' and 'Dr. Strangelove.'
After purchasing an eligible DVD or Blu-ray, the On Demand copy will immediately appear in your Video Library,Source: Switched RSS Feed

Emo Teen Uses YouTube To Fight Back Against 'Juggalo' Bully

The Internet and social networking may have given bullies a new venue through which to torment their targets, but what they often forget is that it has also given their victims a new avenue through which to seek recourse. Alexis Xanders realized this and took video someone had recorded of her being harassed, and ultimately punched in the face, and posted it on YouTube and CNN's iReport. The footage of the 15-year-old being stalked by group of significantly larger students drew enoughSource: Switched RSS Feed

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Japanese Man Marries Virtual Girlfriend

Last week, we told you about a new video game called 'Love Plus' that has swept Japanese men off their feet. The Nintendo DS game allows men to court and woo an array of virtual women. If they're lucky, the pretend players even get to "kiss" them. Well, one guy was apparently so, um, successful at it, that he has now decided to wed his 2-D girlfriend.
The man, known only as Sal9000, tied the knot with Nene Anegasaki during a 'Meet: Japan' event at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. AsSource: Switched RSS Feed

Crazy On the Outside Movie Trailer; Tim Allen’s Directorial Debut

Tim Allen must have a lot of friends in Hollywood. Otherwise, I have no idea how he could convince so many great actors to show up in his atrocious looking directorial debut, Crazy on the Outside. Allen stars as a man who spent three years in jail, and is now out trying to reconnect with his family and piece his life back together. Truly, the plot is a work of sheer originality. The film is written by writing team Judd Pillot and John Peaslee, who’ve both worked together on sitcoms likeSource: SlashFilm RSS Feed

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gift Guide: 9 Luxurious Apple Accessories [TheAppleBlog]

Whether you’re hunting for presents for an Apple-adoring friend, or a treat for yourself, this gift guide will help you procure some of the most exclusive items available.

Browsing through this gift guide you’ll find a handpicked selection of some of the most luxurious Apple-related items from across the globe. There’s something for everyone, from a handmade iPod case and chic designer MacBook sleeve for her, to a solar powered iPod dock and OS X-themed photo frame Source: GigaOM Network RSS Feed

Mazda Looks Into EVs

You might call it jumping on the bandwagon, but a car company that has been conspicuous by its absence in the electric vehicle game, Mazda, has finally thrown its hat into the ring. After Tesla, Fisker and Aptera threw down the gauntlet, and it was picked up by major players like Nissan, Ford and Chevrolet, it was only a matter of time before Mazda had to get into the game.

The basis for Mazda’s look into EVs is the Demios, otherwise known as the Mazda 2, a car that has been a bigSource: Autopia RSS Feed

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Moshi Voice Control Travel Alarm Clock – Review

I reviewed the Moshi Voice Controlled Alarm Clock a few weeks back and was rather impressed. It really works and makes setting the time or the alarm as easy as speaking. Love it! Well, turns out the company also has a travel alarm clock that uses the same voice technology.

Here is a look.

… [visit site to ]


  1. Moshi Announces Voice Control Travel Alarm Clock
  2. Moshi Voice Response Alarm Clock – Review
  3. Moshi Voice Response Alarm Clock –Source: Gear Diary RSS Feed